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Summer Storage

If you can't ski all year, sadly enough you'll have to store your gear for the season. Here are some tips for doing so:

  • Check the topsheets for damage. If underlying layers are exposed fill them with two-part epoxy or urethane glue (mixed with a color pigment if desired). Overfill, let harden and dry, then remove excess with a small chisel. Finish with 220 (or greater) grit sandpaper.
  • Inspect sidewalls and repair as explained above. Cracks or edge delaminations should be referred to a technician.
  • Check bases for damage. Gouges can be repaired with p-tex (see the P-tex Base Repair link above), any core exposure should be repaired by a technician.
  • Check the base for flatness with a true bar. Any unevenness can be remedied by having it stoneground. Consult our Structure Theory link above to choose a grind for your expected conditions next season.
  • Check edge bevels and re-establish if needed.
  • Clean the bases with a hot-wax-scrape-cleaning (see the Wax Application link above) until wax comes up clean, then add one more and leave it on for the summer. Wax on the edges is OK for storage, as it will add a protective layer.
  • Rub a paste wax on the topsheet and sidewalls.
  • Check binding screws and tighten if needed.
  • Store in a clean area that is likely to be maintained at a moderate temperature; avoid temperature extremes.
  • Pull boot liners and foot beds out of your boot shells to allow them to dry thoroughly. Then reassemble and buckle up snugly to maintain a good form. Store in a clean dry place.


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